European citizenship: how to get the documents from the ancestors of other countries.

The documentation is the most important part of the process of citizenship, Italian, or Portuguese. Make sure you understand how it works, the hunt for the birth certificates of their ancestors, both in Italy and in the Uk

If you've come this far, it's possible that you're on the hunt for the construction of a new future for the medium of a citizenship in europe. Whether you are a descendant of the Portuguese, the italians, and the recognition of such a right, it is a process of redemption, to the family's honor is the story of their ancestors, and also build a lasting legacy for generations to come.

The transmission of citizenship, and that it follows different rules than in Portugal and Italyhas one thing in common: in both cases, the validation of this right is exclusively for the verification of documents. It is for this reason that we tend to think of it in the documentation it is the heart of any process, and citizenshipsince all of the certificates -- from the until the of the council of europe should be able to demonstrate the transmission of such a right as between the generations, in a consistent manner.  

Please understand and if you fit the requirements, in order to seek the citizenship of the european

The transmission of citizenship by descent, it follows different rules and regulations in the Uk and in Italy. Before you start your search, check out the table below for the requirements for each:

Italian Citizenship

In general, there are no limits to others, to the Italian citizenshipyou were eligible to make a request for the recognition of the citizenship of the child, grandchild, great-grandchildren, great great-grandson of an Italian, and so on and so forth. What it is necessary to recognize that a right is the evidence of the link to the background by means of the documents showing the transmission of citizenship by descent in a straight line, there is no factor in the legal system of the interruption of transmission.

Portuguese Citizenship

Other citizenship: italy, transmission Portuguese citizenship for the descent, it has out-of-generations. Thus, the children and grandchildren of Portuguese nationals or to persons to whom it has been attributed to the Portuguese nationality by descent, you have the right to citizenship. If a deceased person in Portuguese, is the great-grandfather, for example, it is necessary that all the descendants (children and grandchildren) to recognize the citizenship of the first one. It is also required that the grandson did not have the conviction to a term of imprisonment or a more than three-years, with the entry into force of the court sentence, for an offence which is punishable according to the laws of massachusetts, as well as there is no link with the activities that may pose a threat to the security or national defense, in accordance with the laws of the country. 

As the gathering of the required documentation

Now that you know, if you meet all the requirements for starting to search for the concept of european citizenship, it is time to begin the search for documents.

The most important step, which will guide you throughout this quest, it is the construction of a family tree. From this drawing of the connections that bind you to the ancestors of the european, you will be able to structure the search for a precursor to the process of citizenship, and to check whether there is, in fact, the possibility of applying the law.


Tip: Regardless of the quest involves a search for certificates to foreign countries, such as Portugal and Italy, and the search should always start from your birth certificate, in the country of their birth. To go together with the certificates and all of its ancestors (birth and marriage), until you get to the birth of the son of his council of europe. This is the birth certificate of the child the committee will provide information about who they are and the parents and grandparents of it, and, from this point on, it will be possible to start the search in the european country of origin.

Documents required for Italian citizenship
  • It is necessary to submit the birth certificate of the council of nato in Italy, and in the original document, certified by the Common registry, in order to prove that he was born into one the region, which was part of the Kingdom of Italy at that time.
  • The marriage certificate from the Italian of dante's cause is also important for the proof of the transmission of the Italian citizenship to their children.
  • The death certificate may also be required, particularly in the case of a deceased person may have been born on the date of the earlier of the ownership of the territory to the Kingdom of Italy.
  • Also, it is necessary to search for the Certificate, or denial of Naturalization service (CNN), and a birth Certificate as well as the Negative Sign-Election in Brazil. These logs are intended to show that the ancestors of the Italian who immigrated to Brazil, has never given up his Italian citizenship, therefore, the right of jus sanguinis has been passed on to their offspring.
Documents, that are required for the Portuguese citizenship
  • The certificate of Registration of the Birth parent to the Portuguese in nato;
  • The certificate of Registration of the Birth of the son of the Portuguese (as in the case of a net);
  • The certificate of Registration of Birth of the applicant;
  • Join their marriages.
  • The certificate of Criminal Record issued by the relevant services to the Portuguese, the country of birth and nationality, in the case of a grandson, as well as one of the countries where you have been, and you have a residence
  • The register of the marriage, in order to check the correct perfilhação between the generations and, in particular, when there is a change of name after marriage, and when it is in Portuguese, or the child is in a straight line from the Portuguese, the accounts of the birth of the child;
  • For the Portuguese, who were married abroad, in particular in those cases in which the Portuguese, nato is not the accounts of the birth of the child, is required for the transcription of the marriage of his birth in that country, and, for this purpose, it is necessary to submit a request for transcript, together with a certificate of birth for the foreign-citizen spouse.

Looking for the acts of the countries of origin of the family

Once all the documents are gathered, rising to the level, at the level of the tree, the time has come to seek, in the country of origin of the ancestors of the european, and the certificates of the original birth, marriage and directly, in Italy and the Uk. Below are the main features of each country:

Characteristics of a search of the documents in Italy

In Italy, on a search query can be restrictive in some aspects to, for the account of the language, but there is, today, a large number of files and books, in many of the locations scanned, and the potential of the online consultation, which makes it easier to process.

Another factor that makes it difficult to search for it when a birth certificate is a religious blessing, because they have been in the locale and period in which there was not in the civil registry. The number of files that religious people digitized, it is much less than the civil registration system a little in an electronic format, and requires the research advisory over the manual, and sometimes coming into contact with a variety of Printed and in the Parish, one at a time.

The other peculiarity is that, generally speaking, certificates of good standing issued by the Comunes (local government of the cities, which in addition to the role of tabelionato in the civil registry) is free of charge, with only the issuer to pay the tax is represented by the label. Have the certificate of religious depend on the policy of each and every drive, the religious, and in some cases, asking for a donation of about € 100 for the issue of a document.

Characteristics of a search of the documents in the Uk

Uk is at the forefront of Italy, with respect for the organization and digitization of the collection of records in the civil, the one that makes the process of searching for documents, the same as the old ones. This is due to the civil registration records are all built into a computer system and is the most ancient of the year, and in 1911, the data are obtained through the unified portal of the Portuguese archives (CRAV) as well as the certificates that are religious, such as the records of the baptism of jesus.

All of the certificates that are collected in order to be issued and delivered to you physically, and it costs around 16 euros. 

Our services are in the search of documents

On the in ADDITION to searches of the register, and the issues in Italy, Portugal, and spain. Including all the books in those countries, for which they may be valid in Brazil in order to provide a basis adjustments, if necessary. 


Rely on expert help to recognize the citizenship of the european

In the process, conducted by WE are Lawyers, we work to improve the end-to-end, from the support to the family history research to the next step of the recognition in europe.

In the process of searching for documents, we work on the search and the issuance of certificates of Brazil, both in Italy and in the Uk, including the translations, and the apostilamento of the document to be valid in the country of destination.

Upon the approval of the citizens, we stay by your side, guiding them to the next step until you have your passport, a european in his hands.

In addition to the headquarters in São Paulo, and Brasília, and we have teams that specialize in European Citizenship and the Right to Immigration enforcement in the Uk and in Italy, the professionals are ready to guide you to your family, to make his dream come true.

Find out more about the work we do in on our web site or write to: in order to rely on us to help in this quest! We carry out consultations with online users from throughout the country and living abroad.